Friday, 21 October 2011

Brut rebranding- Brut research and ideas

This video is a scene from James Bond man with the golden gun, in this scene James uses Brut to defend himself. This could be a point to start with my ideas, Brut is a defensive againist something or a must have wepon.
Brut's website have all the products, history and adverts over the years. Whats most intresting is their range of deodorants, they have six types and all with different colours and names. Again this could be a starting point for a team ideas, each on has a personaility.
Many of the new Brut ads have cheesey manly one-liners which are funny but don't improve the image of the product. Cheesy wit is the lowest form of advertising.
Henry Cooper is a great icon in british and male history being remember for knocking our Ali along with a great boxing history. This along with the "help the heros" campaign that Brut is doing would go well with Henry Cooper, "remember the heros".

Monday, 17 October 2011

Final slides

I chose to do different background for each slide to add a little instrest to the slides, I also highlighted "shot up" because it was in main focus, I wated to add to it.

Ideas for powerpoint

These are some of the layout ideas I've had, I chose to be simple because of the impact that it has. If its easier to read its easier to remember.
I chose this layout because of the simplicity, theres only one photo one the presentation because I want what I'm saying to be more important than the photo. The same bursts of info can be read then I will elaborate on it.

Images and Text that I'm going use will be sourced from "cyber media goes to war"- Ralph D. Berenger 070.4 and google images.

A few videos of powerpoint tips I found helpful

These simple tips can help me stay clear of any boring or un-instresting slides.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

2D Animation presentation

In the first the first lecture we were split up into groups of around five to discuss and prepaire a presentation on a theme. My groups was 2D animation, we desided to do the history of 2D anmation in a matter of minutes because we felt it had alot and we could easily split it between the five of us. I chose to do 1900-1920s(ish), I started by searching on google for a 2D animation timeline to give me a starting point. The first thing I looked at was the magic wheel also known as the phenakistoscope made by Belgain Joseph Plateau in 1831, you could see the images throught the splits at the side and when spun it made the images 'move' or animate.

In 1869 John Barnes Linnet patterned the flipbook. Patterns were put in place on most new technquies in animation due to the rapid evolution of it, so people had to protect there technquies from bigger and more successful animators and scientists.
The Phenakistoscope was enhanced with a mirror in the middle insted of the old version were you had to look through slots. The mirror kept the images steady and also aloud the images to be projected on the a surface.

As machines were being made to make images move J.Stuart Blackton in 1906 used a camera to animate his images by taking one after he editted the drawing which has been a basic way to do animate even now. His most famous animation was the Humorous phases of funny faces which was simply chalk and blackboard.

Wisor Mc Cat and Wallace Carlson were two of the best animators around 1910, McCay made over four thousand animations and successfuly managed to get movement down to an art but Carlson had the witt for more entertaining animations, he also started off the style that was picked up by Walt Disney.

Wallace Carlson

Wisor McCay

The presentation
I think on the hole our presentation went well, we met twice to sort out who was doing what and to share information. We left making the power point to the day of the presentation which let us down because we didn't have time to sort out what would look best and to add links to videos to show the animations. We decided to not put any information of the power point excluding names, we chose to do this because we didn't want people trying to read, listen and look at the images, in our experience we found it hard to listen when there was too much information on screen.
I feel the work was evenly distributed but we failed to allocate the job of the power point to one person which probably would of been better than taking it in turns to do our slides ourselves, if I were to do it again I would give myself the job of doing the PowerPoint because I don't mind putting in some research on how to get different effects and how to add videos.
The entire group gave great encouragement and feedback on ideas and criticism, Anne also made a face book group so we could arrange times, meeting places and also to share relevant information to each other.