Monday, 17 October 2011

Final slides

I chose to do different background for each slide to add a little instrest to the slides, I also highlighted "shot up" because it was in main focus, I wated to add to it.

Ideas for powerpoint

These are some of the layout ideas I've had, I chose to be simple because of the impact that it has. If its easier to read its easier to remember.
I chose this layout because of the simplicity, theres only one photo one the presentation because I want what I'm saying to be more important than the photo. The same bursts of info can be read then I will elaborate on it.

Images and Text that I'm going use will be sourced from "cyber media goes to war"- Ralph D. Berenger 070.4 and google images.

A few videos of powerpoint tips I found helpful

These simple tips can help me stay clear of any boring or un-instresting slides.