I chose to use this poster because I feel its simplicity creates comedy and this is what I was hoping to achieve. Its easy to understand because its all visual.
To make the poster I used photoshop. The man, and boxes were made in photoshop using the shape tools and fill in selected with "strokes" which means it gives the selected layer a outline.
The text I got off fonts.com- http://www.fonts.com/findfonts/detail.htm?productid=174096
The brut logo I photographed myself with a Brut aftershave box, then I cut it out and set it to colour dodge to blend the greens,greys and blacks with the bright green background and it left the highlights making them contrast and stand out.
The background is a stock image from "Advanced photoshop" magazine CD. I liked with background because of the texture and colour, its simple so it doesn't drag attetion away from the image and text.